Archive for August 2007

The future is almost here!

August 24, 2007

All traditions are born to die! …Life styles and traditions become outmoded when they no longer are compatible and relevant with the constantly changing conditions, that evolve inside an environment.

When the basic nature of things change, the characteristics that flow from that basic nature will also change.

The basic nature, is the foundation of any structure, and that what rests on that foundation, is the superstructure, …and that represents the charicteristics and the final shape of the total structure!

To say something is good or bad depends on how a person adjusts to his or her surroundings!

The religious and tribal fundamentalists in all nation states are fearful of loosing their identity, in the modern world! A world where they are rapidly becoming no longer relevant, to the modern conditions!

It is my opinion that social change is a process !
The only direction that a future change can go to, to the opposite direction of what already exists!

The basic nature of our modern society is that of COMPETITION. …It is competition for limited resources that, breeds insecurity!

That is why material things are so valued in our society! To have status is to have more and better material things than the rest of the society that you are in competition with!

This drive for material wealth and displaying that wealth in a ostentatious and vulgar way is what drives crazy… poor people, and also opposite cultures, that are not competitive, but …cooperative, disciplined, rigid and submissive.

The global village is our new reality!… What brought it into being is the capitalist economy and modern technology! …The global village is here to stay!

…The nation state and the united nations will be dead in the water! Religion as we now know it will cease to exist!

Corporate fascism will be the foundation of this global capitalist community!

The disparity between the rich and the poor will become greater with the passage of time!

The world’s rich will become more vulgar and ostentatious! The world’s poor will become more desperate and more revolutionary!

The world community will go through another revolution. A revolution that will overthrow the capitalist fascist corporate world community… and establish as a first step the transfer of the means and instruments of production to a benevolent socialist dictatorship. A dictatorship that will attempt to prevent capitalism from creating a counter revolution.

This dictatorship will create a planned economy and a world welfare community.

This World communiy will be provided the basic food clothing and shelter for all of the people, and will satisfy all of their other basic needs!
The world environment will be saved, from the excessive exploitation of a former capitalist class, that had gone insane!

This socialist dictatorship will eventually be overthrown and in it’s place will be established a world community that will no longer have to be forced to be social by a state apparatus of police, laws, and a court system!

You will have an administration of things , not an administration of people!

A new social human being will evolve where there is no competition but instead voluntary cooperation!

A human being that is secure, social and scientific. …A human being that is self reliant and understands his surroundings. A person that is truly a free creative caring individual.

How do I know all of this will transpire?…I know this will happen because it is the only thing that can happen!

There is no other way that the future can unfold!

The struggle for CIVILIZATION!

August 20, 2007

We as a people are evolving and becoming more civilized with the passage of time!

We are in a constant struggle with our backwardness to move out of that backwardness and to move forward into a more civilized social arrangement!

Human history has shown us that only through struggle against the forces of barbaric actions and ideas can the human race eventually move out of the barbarism and ignorance of the past and progress into a increasingly more civilized way of thinking and doing!

Students of human history are aware, that what had existed before, and was accepted as normal and natural, is no longer regarded as such and is looked upon by increasingly more and more people as not acceptable conduct for a modern civilized society!

WE owe a lot of thanks to the progressive people through out history that had taught us common sense, and the ideas that were promoted during the period of the… ENLIGHTENMENT!

The Civil Rights movement, The movement for equality for women, and blacks and others. The struggle against Slavery!…All of these victories were solid victories that had made the human race more sensitive to the feelings of others!

We are increasingly progressing away from attitudes that were regarded as normal popular behavior! like the glorification of war!

The attitude that prevailed in years gone by, that it was socially acceptable to kill a person to defend your honor, because of a believed insult to you or your family name! … Human life is now regarded as more sacred by the human family than it was in our barbaric past!
The fact that most advanced nations have now abolished the death penalty as being inhumane is a step away from the barbarism of the past!

“Torture”, is generally regarded by the human family as cruel and criminal. This was not always so in human history! …That, I would say is progress!

We still have a long way to go to become more human! and more sensitive to the feelings of our fellow human beings! …Civilization was not built in one day! …It is a process that demands continuous struggle for our humanity and against the forces that would deny us that humanity and attempt to take us back into our dark uncivilized primitive past!
Progressive thinking people, have always had the responsibility, to point the way to the future!