Archive for the ‘drugs’ category

Merchants of Death!

November 4, 2009

The corrupting world wide, private enterprise, of the “Narcotics Trade, the “Prostitution Rings,” the corrupting influence of government politicians, on the take, being bought off, and treated like a valuable commodity, by the “Merchants of world wide “Private Capital.” These “Free enterprise merchants of death, that starts world wars, so that they can make “Blood Money” on the backs of the ordinary citizen soldiers.
This powerful capitalist oligarchy, that has power that is all consuming and is of global proportion, dwarfs our government, and every government on the planet. This insidious, global private sector, causes more damage, then governments, because it has bought off most of the politicians and corrupted them, and infiltrated governments on the entire planet. It is this conglomeration of world wide capitalist rule, that rules the people of the world, with an iron hand.

Those that are a part of our PRIVATE SECTOR, …for the sake of making a profit, has and had, … made a “Pact, With The Devil,” …and the “PUBLIC BE DAMNED!”
By pretending that the “GOVERNMENT is the ENEMY,” those that can’t see too well, are distracted from the real enemy, and that enemy is the global oligarchy, of “Capitalist Blood Suckers,” that are intent on continuing their bloody war, on the average, ordinary citizen.
These criminal, PRIVATE ENTERPRISE, world wide syndicates, are fighting this criminal murderous war, all over our capitalist planet.
Only a planned “Socialist Economy,” can rid our planet of the corrupting influence of the private enterprise of criminal gang activity, that is organized to compete, kill, rape, and murder, …for profit and power!


July 20, 2007

One of the largest drug companies that has monopolized most of the activity in the prescription drug industry, is at the present time trying to keep off of the market in India, a low cost prescription drug that they, the scientists in India, had developed.
This newly developed drug, is creating miraculous cures, for many of the debilitating diseases in the under developed countries of the world! 
The prescription drug manufacturers that have monopolized the industry, do not want or desire to have anyone anywhere in the world, develop a product or a drug that may possibly interfere with their high rate of profit.
 Any reasonable person can figure out that the private sector is no longer acting in the best interest of most of the people in America or in the world! … They are for their individual well being, and against the social well being of the people as a whole!
The philosophy of the private sector of our country and of the world has always been,.. “the survival of the richest, and everyone else can go to hell!” 
 Scientific development will only become humane and creative when private greed is eliminated from the equation,… and is replaced by the attitude of… what is good for humanity!