Archive for the ‘republican’ category


October 18, 2010

The only people that you can trust in America are the Fascists and the Socialists!

They are the only people that the American people can be sure of where they stand on the important issues of the day!

Everyone in the middle of the political spectrum, are “compromising sell out artists” that cannot make up their minds as to the direction that America and the world should move toward.

They talk on both sides of their mouth and stand still when it becomes necessary to take a position and move in the direction of our no longer relevant past, and our not yet tested future.

The world is now a “Global Enterprise” and those that believe that Nationalism and the American Nation is destined for greatness are living in the past and are out of touch with our modern reality. 

World Capitalism has outgrown the “Nation State” and cannot care less about what is the best policy for the American people. for the Middle Class or the “American Workers”

The policy of “Open Borders” is a policy that is in effect in all nations, so that Global Capitalism can take advantage and have the border-less workers of the world compete with each other in a race to the bottom of the barrel for wages. 

The Global Oligarchy of the largest capitalists on the planet have a world view of how to exploit the people and the resources of the planet in the quickest and most efficient way.

The age of competition is over, except for workers wages. 

“The Consumers” of the world are rapidly becoming impotent and powerless as they must bow down to the price dictates of a cooperating capitalist oligarchy that is no longer interested in a mere profit, but only interested in the highest and quickest rate of profit that is possible under prevailing economic conditions.

This economic fascism can only be successful by controlling the world’s population with a world wide fascist police apparatus, that is as ruthless as was the regime of the Nazis under Hitler!

The only resistance to these global Fascists will not come from the gutless Center of the political spectrum, but it will come from the Left Wing of the political spectrum, as was the case for progress, from the beginning of time to the present day. 

A planned world wide fascist market economy that will naturally be designed to profit the few controlling fascist capitalists can only be replaced by a world wide global planned economy that is designed to profit all of the people in the world without discrimination. 

The coming to an end of the “NATION STATE” is apparent to all of the people that have eyes to read what is written on the “Wall, of the things that are destined to become!” 

The only decision that you must make is……..


October 1, 2010

Science either KNOWS, or it does NOT KNOW! It does not BELIEVE!
What it knows it knows relative to the amount of physical evidence that exists relative to the hypothesis.

The degree of scientific certainty of what is transformed from a theory to a scientific fact is determined by the amount of hard indisputable evidence that exists relative to the hypothesis that is examined.

It is my understanding that science operates with the understanding that what is scientifically known is relatively known using the scientific law of “PROBABILITY.”

The more concrete evidence that scientists have, the more the degree of probability that what the scientists say is a probable fact.

It is very much probable that under the conditions of temperature change that water will dramatically change from a liquid form to a vapor form. It will do so under relatively the same temperature change and same surrounding conditions, over and over again.

It could be scientifically said that the probability of this occurring under similar conditions in the near and distant future is so much probable that it can be safely PREDICTED that it is very probable that what happened in the past, about water turning into steam will under similar conditions, will be repeated in the present and into the future.

The same could be said about “Capitalism” being the cause that creates the effect of “Socialism,” and that Socialism being the cause that creates the effect of Communism.

It is a scientific certainty, because of what we know of the past and the present, that the probability of this social change taking place, falls into the scientific realm of scientific certainty, and can be PREDICTED, scientifically that it will happen in the future.

It is the only possibility that exists for our future, using the scientific method!

Objective Science!

September 27, 2010

When I say that it is a scientific certainty that socialism will follow capitalism, and that communism will follow socialism, It is with the understanding of Marx’s Dialectic that shows that everything eventually changes to the diametrical opposite of what previously existed.

This qualitative change is accompanied with what Marx called the “Negation of the Negation!” This means that the anatomy of change does not repeat itself as it moves perhaps temporarily backward for a time and then ultimately forward to a new qualitatively opposite of what previously existed. This is understood by most Marxists as a DIALECTICAL LEAP!

Change can only be defined as moving forward or moving backward. Or it can seemingly stand still.

The consequences of matter slowing down and appearing to stand still is the falling apart, rather then the coming together of the combined elements that make up a particular whole.

The opposite that defines Capitalism, (a system that rests upon a foundation of a economy that is designed to enrich the capitalist few,) is the Communist model that rests on a economic foundation that is designed to enrich equally everyone that is a part of that communist economic foundation.
Capitalism is a CLASS society the diametrical opposite of a Communist classless society.

Socialism is a bridge to the classless system of Communism.

The POINT that I am attempting to make, is that for a change to take place, Quantitative or Qualitative, if it is premature because the conditions have not as yet matured, so as a result of this lack of having the necessary conditions, that what comes into being prematurely, will most likely be still born, because of a lack of life support.

Because the transition from capitalism is not predictably smooth, because of faulty judgements as to the readiness of a particular change to take place, does not mean that ultimately the opposite of what presently exists will not happen. It will happen when all of the right conditions are in place for it to happen.
It is scientifically predictable.

I still maintain that “Dialectical Materialism” is a PREDICTABLE SCIENCE! and is not a PHILOSOPHY or a IDEOLOGY!

Karl Marx transformed Hegel’s “Subjective Philosophy,” to the diametrical opposite, and in so doing he performed a “Dialectical Leap!” by changing Hegel’s Subjective Philosophy to a “Marxist Objective Science.

Basic Common Sense!

September 23, 2010

I admit that I have much to learn about many things! I am a simple high school drop out. but there are some things that I am very sure of, because it occupies the realm of basic common sense.

You don’t have to be a college graduate to understand generally how life moves forward, backward and seemingly stands still.

It is apparent to me that on the road of life you can attempt to either stand still in the present, move backward into the past, or move forward into the future.

From the beginning of time this has been the alternatives that people faced and they aligned themselves with one of those alternatives.

You don’t have to be a college graduate to be able to predict that eventually the people who stand still and compromise with those that want to go back to the way it was in the past, and those that want to move to the opposite direction from the way it was in the past and move forward to a way it will become in the future.
You can predict with scientific certainty that the political center will always compromise so that they can keep everything the same as it presently is. 

The centrists know, that if they can’t keep those that represent the past and the future apart by compromise, that it would be certain that the opposites of the political spectrum, will clash and what will inevitably happen is a backward movement to the no longer relevant past, or a forward movement to the untested future. 

Because the past is no longer relevant to the new emerging circumstances, situations and conditions, that exist in our changing environment, and the centrists are out of step with what is happening everywhere in our common environment, it becomes apparent that the moderate political center is destined to be replaced by a new moderate political center, that is more relevant to the constantly changing conditions.

It becomes apparent that the future can only become the diametric opposite of that what existed in the past and in the present.

It becomes obvious that a new moderate relevant political center will come into being so as to take the place of the old no longer relevant political center.

The role of this new political center, will be to moderate under the new revolutionary conditions, the relationship between the revolutionary opposite forces of those that want to be more revolutionary, and those that want to become less revolutionary, because the conditions do or do not as yet warrant a drastic change. 

This is all predictable because it is a repeat of what happened everywhere in history for as long as their has been a recorded history.

For anyone to say that the future cannot be predicted, has to be either not informed or a obsecuritist.

Interaction of Opposites!

September 20, 2010

Whenever you have social and political opposites interacting, you will have the emotion of hate, as a natural emotional consequence.

Competition breeds “hate.” of those, that they are competing with. Cooperation breeds “love!”

The intensity of your feelings will depend on how partisan your feelings are in the struggle between natural opposing forces.

The extremes at the opposite sides of a spectrum will act in extreme ways because of their extreme partisan feelings

Those at the center of the political spectrum will be moderate in their feelings and inclined to compromise between opposite forces.

The “Moderates eventually will be regarded as “SELL OUT” traitors, by the extreme elements, at the partisan extreme ends, of the political spectrum.

Conflict between opposite forces occurs when the moderate compromising center becomes no longer relevant to the conditions and surroundings that exist in the total environment.

Without a center to separate the extreme opposite ends of the political spectrum the consequence will naturally be a CLASH of opposites that will either take us to the no longer relevant past, or towards a new more relevant future.

That what is no longer relevant will always be overthrown, and a new more relevant modern moderate CENTER, that is in harmony with the modern circumstances, situations and conditions, will come into being, taking the place of the old no longer relevant political moderate CENTER.

The question of “LOVE and HATE is not determined by a lack of feeling or understanding.

It depends on how partisan you are in the normal struggle for and against that what is central to your life!


September 17, 2010

I have always maintained that Marxism is a way to understand the way society changes “SCIENTIFICALLY!”
My understanding of the “Scientific Method.” is that SCIENTISTS do not believe! They either “KNOW or they DO NOT KNOW!”
“Belief” is the absence of knowing, and that is why BELIEVERS must rely on FAITH to eliminate doubt from what they believe in.
Scientists do not have or need FAITH , because their understanding is determined by “EVIDENCE” and the more verifiable evidence that the scientists have, the more probability that the findings of those that use the scientific method is correct.
Philosophy cannot be an objective understanding of OBJECTIVE REALITY.
The product of a philosophers abstract thinking. It is primarily not based on the discovery of evidence, but is the inner workings of the philosophers brain. It is SUBJECTIVE NOT OBJECTIVE!
“DIALECTICS is based on the “PHILOSOPHY of Hegel! But what MARX did with the philosophy of Hegel, was to turn HEGEL’S philosophy on it’s head and turn it into it’s opposite of what it formerly was.
Marx turned Hegel’s “Dialectic,” from a subjective Metaphysical philosophy of “How many angels could dance on the head of a needle,” to a Objective Materialist Science. A science that became “DIALECTICAL MATERIALISM!”
Dialectical Materialism is the understanding that Matter is PRIMARY and nothing exists outside of MATTER IN MOTION!
It is impossible to destroy or create the matter that exists, so the only conclusion that can be scientifically arrived at is that MATTER ALWAYS EXISTED!
Matter is constantly changing and the way it changes from one form to another form that is incidentally a more evolved form, …is by moving in a DIALECTICAL way that is forced to do so by the irreconcilable contradictions that exist inside of all forms of matter and everything that reflects “MATTER IN MOTION!” 

When Hegel’s Dialectics was transformed by Karl Marx it was no longer a subjective philosophy. It became an objective SCIENCE!
Qualitatively different from what it formerly was.

All true scientists attempt to discover what is objectively true and they attempt to do so by approaching their subject matter with as much of an open mind as is humanly possible.
To do otherwise would prejuidice their scientific findings and would contaminate what they were scientifically attempting to do.

Because my understanding of Dialectical Materialism is objective and not subjective.
It would not be rational for me to BELIEVE in Dialectical Materialism, because It is not an “IDEOLOGY! It is a SCIENCE!
A Science of understanding of what occurred in the past and what is occurring in the present and consequently what will occur in the future.

Because it is a scientific understanding. and it is not an “IDEOLOGICAL BELIEF, I cannot believe in what events will happen in the future! … I can SCIENTIFICALLY know what events will happen in the future!
I know that ‘Socialism will follow Capitalism and that Communism will follow Socialism!
This is not what I believe, this is what I know!
SCIENCE is capable of predicting outcome. Science when it understands a particular cause can accurately predict the particular effect of that particular cause.
Science using the scientific method can accurately predict the future!
Those that enter the arena to argue that MARXISM is an IDEOLOGY or a PHILOSOPHY is dead wrong and does the science of Marxism a disservice!


July 26, 2010

The popularity of the “Tea Party” crowd has been greatly exagerated!

The people in America recognize this so called “Tea Party Movement” as “Comedy Relief” that will eventually be laughed out of existence,

The Republican party has been tainted by the poison that is “The Tea Party Movement,” and will probably never recover from “Tea Party Sickness!” A sickness that is narrow minded and bigoted to such an extreme that average Americans can’t help but be repulsed by this paranoid detached from reality hateful group of “mal-adjusted citizens.”

I personaly would like to see the broken Republican Party elect as candidates for the general election the weirdos that call themselves “Tea Partiers,”

In the general election. If the Democrats are pitted against Republican Tea Partiers, they, the democrats, will KILL the Republicans, and the Republicans will no longer be a viable political party within our two party system.

The Working Class will not lead thr Revolutiom!

June 20, 2010

Our Steel Industry, auto industry. Our heavy industrial base no longer exists and it is not mostly due to moving off shore. When workers threaten to strike for better conditions and higher wages, industry leaders threaten to move their factory out of the country or to automate them out of a job. What is happening is massive and entire regions in our industrial states are becoming extinct. Not only heavy industrial workers are being replaced by automation but also highly educated technical workers and skilled middle class professionals are being replaced by highly advanced technology. Artists are being replaced in advertising agencies by machines that can do a better job of drawing and painting, This is not what will happen in the future, this is what is happening now! Technology is decreasing the work force today!The few workers that are fortunate to have jobs will be well paid and be a part of the system. The revolution will be led by the displaced no longer needed workers and the former middle class that can no longer function as a middle class and others that will be priced out of the economy because a super rich oligarchy of super rich dudes, seeking the highest rate of profit in the shortest period of time will limit production of goods and services to only those that could afford to pay their incredibly high price for those goods and services. The rate of profit, not just a profit will be the name of the game. Those that will be locked out of the system will be the people that will lead the revolution!


June 20, 2010

The alignment of the Republican party, with that “Global Multi-National Corporation,” (British Petroleum,) and the positioning of themselves as their defender against the actions of our “American President” and “American Government,” will be viewed by the American people as an act of TREASON!

The people of the Gulf Region are suffering in a multitude of ways because of that “Deep Water” oil spill. This spill is and was demanding of immediate relief from the consequences of that deep water disaster.

The fact that President Obama had demanded and had created a Monetary Fund from BP to pay to the victims of BP’s criminal negligence should be applauded by all Americans!

The response by the “Tea Par-tiers” of immediate condemnation of the President for his efforts on behalf of those that were in dire need, because of this Multi-Corporation’s criminal activity, will be remembered, and be reflected by those that are not blinded, by “PARTY LOYALTY, in the coming elections.

I said it before and I will say it again! “The TEA PARTY” Ideology of automatically siding with the “Private Sector,” and always condemning the “Public Sector,” without giving any thought to context and the specific situation, will become the “Weight” that will sink the “Republican Party!”

Desire to KILL!!

June 18, 2010

TUCO: “I’m salivating at the prospect of a red revolution. Moving targets!!”


Your stated desire to “KILL” is probably the only way that you can demonstrate how frustrated you are in a world that you find impossible to understand.
It is probably not your fault that your limited understanding of the world around you causes you to strike out in this fasion.
When what you are familiar with is about to change it is understandable that you would become frustrated and fearful of that change and worried about the need to adjust.
The “New World Order” and the “Global Economy” is causing your beloved “Nation” to no longer exist as it had in the past.
Your paranoid obsession with the enemy being “Communism” that you believe is the agent that will change your way of life, has blinded you to the reality that it is “Capitalism” that is changing your life by globalizing the planet and rendering “Nationalism” obsolete.
The “Capitalism” that existed at our Nation’s birth no longer exists. 
Capitalism has transformed itself from being a” Free National Competitive Enterprise” to a “Controled Global Enterprise” that inevitably will drive the planet toward a “New World Order” 
“Nations” will no longer exist on the planet and the control of this “New World Order” will be a power structure of a few of the largest corporations that will cooperate with their fellow capitalists, so as to control supply and demand, and thereby holding hostage the consumers of the world so that they can exploit and control them to the greatest degree. 
A “PLANNED ECONOMY for and by a Power Structure of a few of the largest global corporations that will insure their dominance over workers and consumers, through out the world can only generate a reaction from the consumers and workers of the world to rebel and create in the place of a “Global Planned Economy” for a few large corporations, to a “Global Planned Economy,” for all of the people on the planet!