Archive for the ‘equality tolerance’ category

The New World Order!

January 25, 2010

If the “NEW WORLD ORDER” is a global economic system of private capital that operates to enrich the largest holders of private capital, on a global scale, the NEW WORLD ORDER is already here.
The “Global Economy” is at this point in time our present day reality!

The concentration of economic power in increasingly fewer competing global economic entities was a logical and therefor predictable result of a capitalist system of competition where the larger economic entities consume the smaller less competitive economic entities.

The political state is a function inside of a capitalist state that has the responsibility to protect the national economy
The “NATION STATE” cannot exist inside a world that has grown from a economy of local national power to that of a economy of world wide global proportions

It is a logical conclusion to conclude that capitalism has outgrown “Nationalism” and can only continue to grow as a system, by abandoning the accompaning system of nationalism and attach itself to the larger system of globalism.

The former capitalist system of “National Competitive Capitalism,” will logically be replaced by a system of World Wide Capitalist Cooperation, of totalitarian proportions.
It will no longer be possible to compete without tearing itself apart in a competitive frenzy!

This “New World Order” is logically destined to increasingly become our future. But every cause creates a corresponding effect, and the reaction to a “CAPITALIST WORLD ORDER,” is a world order that is designed to give economic and political power to not the capitalist few, but to all of the people in the world without discrimination.
This condition can only come to fruitation by replacing the “New World Order,” with a more advanced “New World Order,” that has a planned world economy that is designed to profit all of the people in the world equally.

Without competing nations in the world, and without competing capitalist entities, at each others throat, it can be logically assumed that the future eventually will become a future without war and conflict.
This non competition will be so, because of non existent competing Nations, and because of developing science and technology.
The more advanced “New World Order” will be able to provide an increasingly more social and scientific population, a future that will become abundant in what is needed to thrive as individuals.
Inside a social cooperative integrated one world society, earthlings will be able to share the experiences of all cultures instead of dominating cultures and destroying the culture that was dominated as it was in our competitve past!

Progress and Science!

November 15, 2009

You narrow minded nationalists are so backward in your thinking that you are blind to what is moving forward and what is moving backward in the history of mankind and in the evolution of matter in motion!
Like they say, “YOU CAN’T STOP PROGRESS,” ..That being an observable fact, it is only ignorance and fear that is representative of those on the “Right Wing” of the political spectrum that causes those “Right Wing Reactionaries” to be no longer relevant, …and to fear and hate progress.
It is a part of the “Evolutionary Process” for everything in our universe to change and adapt in a manner that would allow all forms of matter and all that reflects all forms of matter to make necessary adjustments so that it could survive, thrive grow and mature in an ever changing environment, an environment that moves in stages from a simple beginning to more complex stage. Everything has a life span and when it is necessary for that which has grown old and weak and no longer useful it is natural for that form of live matter to die and be replaced by something that is new and is it’s diametric opposite. An opposite that is stronger, more relevant, more in tune with the circumstances, situations and conditions that prevail at that particular point in time.
Those that hold on to the theory that “Individual Competition” is more important and better than, “Social Cooperation” are acting blindly because they are ignoring the context.
Under the conditions of scarcity of that which is necessary to survive and thrive, all living things will, because out of necessity, become a competitor for that which is scarce and therefor valuable.
To get what is scarce and what is needed before that what is scarce is all grabbed up by the competition and you are wanting and not getting, is the kind of environment that exists inside of a competitive society This competition exists because of material scarcity. “The Human Nature” of individuals living under the conditions of scarcity will act in an aggressive and desperate manner to get what is scarce for themselves.
Because of scarcity and competition, “STATUS” will go to those that accumulate for themselves the most of that which is valuable, because it is scarce.
The “HUMAN NATURE” of those that live under the conditions of “Material Abundance,” will act in a “Cooperative” manner because the need to compete will not be necessary because there will be enough of what is needed to satisfy everyone and no one will go wanting.
Status under these conditions will be arrived at by what you do for others, the opposite of what you can do for yourselves under a competitive condition.
It is new and advanced “Technological and Scientific” development that will make it possible to produce an abundant material society that will change the nature of the people within that society, and will change the nature of that cooperative social society.
It has been said that when people living under conditions where they receive from each according to their ability and to each according to their need, that in time a new type of human being will be born. It will be a “Social Scientific Being” that will need no one to force that type of person to be social. He or she will have no need to have a leader or government agency tell them what they should or should not do. They will become their own leader and understand scientifically the world environment and how to advance the interests of the world environment and the interests of the individuals within that world environment. It has been said that under this condition of harmony between people and environment that the need, for written laws police, soldiers, and courts, will no longer be needed and that the state apparatus will wither away. That in place of government and their apparatus you will have an administration of things, not an administration of people.


Integrated Global Village!

November 13, 2009

The world will become an integrated global village that will fight war no more because to do so would not be productive and it would not be necessary because their will be enough of material wealth to go around and satisfy all the basic needs of all the people everywhere.
Science will rule, and nations and religions will fall to the wayside and no longer divide earthlings from one another.
Bigotry born out of tribalism will be a thing of the past and all ignorance promoted by ambitious opportunists that profit by exploiting the simple minded non thinking bigots of the world will become no longer possible inside an environment of social consciousness and world cooperation.
A world planned economy that is designed by social scientists to profit all of the people in the world without discrimination will replace the outmoded market economy that was designed to only profit selfish individual capitalist owners. The capitalist owners of the means of production will no longer be allowed to exploit the world population of those that work for a living.
I know that all of what I have written here will come to be, because it is the only thing that can come to be.


September 19, 2009

The insurrectionists in Texas and in the southern states of America are looking backward toward a freedom from our federal democratic government, and backward toward a liberated segregated provincial way of life that is bigoted and white supremacist and free from the ideas of the “Enlightenment.”
States Rights and republican conservatism and mercantile capitalism is the unrealistic thinking and goals of the most backward elements in the USA.
Wake up! The Twenty-First Century Capitalism is “Global” and all powerful! It is impossible to resurrect the past! The world of nationalism is being negated out of existence by the global economy. Capitalism and big business is all powerful and all global! For now it rules with an iron hand!
You backward Libertarian conservatives should wake up to today’s reality!


September 13, 2009

Those that condone inflicting torture on their enemies are showing their ignorance about international law.
They also are inviting torture to be inflicted on American troops by upholding these barbaric acts as something that is a normal and productive way to gain information.
Civilization has long ago recognized that torture does not produce reliable information, it only satisfies the primitive mind that gets stimulated by seeing someone being tortured.
It seems that it is always the politically ignorant and uneducated “RIGHT WING all over the planet that cannot see cause and effect and advocates not only torture but also “NUKING PEOPLE INTO THE STONE AGE!”
“What comes around, goes around!”

Republican Party NOT RELEVANT!

August 7, 2009

It is my opinion that the Republican party and the right wing base of that party is increasingly becoming no longer relevant to the circumstances, situation and conditions that exist in our 21st century world.
Many of the traditions of the past that the “right wing republican base” are attempting to pull into the 21st century are no longer popular or useful to our modern, relatively enlightened world. I am referring to the traditions of racism, unfettered capitalism, and imperialist wars of aggression.
Americans have learned and are continuing to learn from the experience of the past where their best interest is, and who represents that best interest.
Life is a learning experience and I am convinced that the Republican party being no longer relevant will no longer be seen as a major political party and will be dumped into the trash can of our dead past. The signs are there for those that can see.
A new left leaning political party will enter into the mainstream and be one of the major parties within a two party system.
The democrat party will become the new more traditional and relevant conservative party, taking the place of the no longer relevant republican party.
This new political realignment, is, in my opinion, going to happen pretty damn soon!

Class Struggle

July 10, 2009

I do not know lf you noticed that the public and private sectors are and have been at war with each other for as long as our nation has existed.
The private sector has always been, more or less, for furthering the economic interests of the individual owners of capital, and the public sector has always been interested in furthering more or less the economic interests of the general public.
The public sector and the private sector are with out a doubt have a conflict of interests. It is impossible for these opposing sectors of our economy to work together because they basically contradict each other. That is why in the scheme of things that you have CLASS STRUGGLE. Which side are you on?

Dead man walking!

February 21, 2009
Nothing lasts forever. When a political party is no longer relevant and is out of step with what exists in the present and insists on re-living the no longer existing past, …that  political party is destined to be viewed as a dead man walking.

The Republican party is rapidly becoming a thing of the past, it is out of touch with 21st century  america and consequently has become an obstical in america’s progress toward a progressive and enlightened future. Under the Bush years the republicans were a thorn in the side of the entire world, and the world reacted with a sigh of relief, and hope for the future when the republicans were defeated in their attempt to hold on to the reins of power.

The political center is in the process of shifting away from all what existed in our no longer relevant past and is moving toward a more relevant present by adopting measures that favor the general public and are opposing measures that tend to favor the special interests of the rich and mighty.

It is my opinion that the Obama administration and the democratic party will attempt to compromise with much of what occured in the past, so as to become a more relevant centrist american political party. With the passage of time the republican right wing political party will go out of existence and the present day democratic party will replace the republican party as being the new representative of the party that represents the recent traditional past. That particular change will give rise to a new main- streame political party that will represent the moving away from the no longer relevant traditions of the past and toward a new more relevant left wing progressive future.

History has shown that you cannot stop progress, and progress has always been the movment of the masses of people to the left of the political spectrum.

Planned Economy!

December 8, 2008
 Lets face the facts! …The world capitalist private enterprise economy is in the toilet and is about to go down the tubes.  The world is on the brink of a necessary change from what was, .. to what will be.  The desperate need for a world economy that satisfies the material need of the entire world needs to be realized.
     Common sense tells us that for this to happen we must abandon the unplanned system of private enterprise and adopt a world wide planned economy that will utilize the world’s modern technologies without prejudice or discrimination to satisfy the material needs of the people and environment of the world


August 4, 2008

Life is a learning experience! Everything eventually will turn to it’s opposite. “Ignorance” will eventually become “enlightenment.” You cannot stop progress. “Competition” must eventually become “cooperation.” …It’s “DIALECTICAL!” …”Dogma” and “Superstition” will be replaced by the “Scientific Method!”.. “Subjective believing” will be replaced by “Objective knowing!” …The future is a freight train and those that stand in it’s way will be run over and crushed and buried inside the trash can of the no longer relevant past.
Capitalism will turn to Socialism and Socialism will turn to Communism and the ignorant will never know what hit them and buried them.
You cannot stop the forward movement of history!
Wars will end when “Nation States” are transformed into a cooperative “global village” that is ruled from the bottom up, rather then from the top down!