Dick Cheney and his CLASS!

Dick Cheney is only a symptom of a system that has gone amok! Cheney is an elite capitalist of the capitalist system! As he accumulated power within that system, he personifies the nature and the characteristics that are now rampant within the capitalist system!
Dick Chaney as well as the capitalist system are at this stage of their development, arrogant and ruthless toward anything or anyone that gets in the way of his ambition to fulfill what he believes is his destiny, and the destiny of his capitalist class!
During the short time of his rule, and the rule of his compliant president he has been able to transfer much of the accumulated wealth of the public sector , over to the private sector! This transfer is outright thievery of what belongs in the public domain! He has robbed the treasury and the american people of billions of dollars and had that money transferred from the american people to his crony capitalist friends!
Dick Cheney is a class conscious member of his capitalist class and at this point in time he seems bent on destroying our democratic government and replace it with a dictatorship of a capitalist oligarchy!

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